Search Results for : app store

112 results

cloud vps hosting

Kinsta Review – Is This Really The Best Managed App Hosting Provider?

Kinsta is a leading managed WordPress hosting provider that offers high-performance hosting solutions for businesses and individuals alike. With a focus on speed, security, and scalability, Kinsta delivers a seamless hosting experience for WordPress websites of all sizes. Their platform is powered by the Google Cloud Platform, ensuring reliable infrastructure and global availability. Kinsta’s advanced features include automatic backups, staging environments, and easy-to-use tools for website management and optimization. Whether you’re a small blog owner or a large enterprise, Kinsta provides the robust infrastructure and top-notch support needed to keep your WordPress site running smoothly.

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WordPress security guidelines

4 Approaches to Embracing Privacy in Marketing

It’s undeniable that technology is constantly developing, but with the advancement of technology come many societal changes. While one group of people enjoyed the fact that they were receiving ads that were highly relevant to them, others felt frightened about how much these companies knew about them.

Over time, people became concerned about the different ways in which devices collect our personal information. For example, some research shows that almost 80% of internet users feel as if they have lost control over their personal data.

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3 Important Facts You Should Know About Apps

3 Important Facts You Should Know About Apps

Most people have a smartphone these days. It’s not just a luxury item anymore, it offers many features that can make your life simple and more convenient, and it’s one of the best investments you could make into optimizing your daily life if you don’t have one yet. At the heart of each smartphone’s ecosystem are all the apps we use on a daily basis. And while the great variety of free solutions in the app store can seem very enticing, it also comes with some strings attached that people rarely stop to consider.

The truth is that apps are not really your “friends”. They’re not made by people with your best interests in mind in most cases, even apps that are explicitly marketed as such (like self-improvement apps – in fact, they can be major offenders). If that sounds weird to you, read on – there is a darker side of the app market that you might be completely unaware of.

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